Friday, October 29, 2010

Down Elf

My lovely Christmas tree skirt that so lifted my spirits yesterday morning has crushed me yet again. I have gotten most of the way through the first panel and have now realized that this pattern cannot be right. It looks awful. I am sad.

Ravelry has let me down for the first time. Time for a froggin' sesh!

Until Next Time...
Broke Knitter

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Christmas Elf Disgraced

So the Christmas Elf had a very hard morning. I was SO happy to be knitting my Christmas Tree Skirt this morning on the subway. I was filled with happiness at my accomplishments and I CANNOT WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS!

So I am on the subway quietly knitting, not bothering anybody when a woman sits down next to me. She asked me what I was making, and I kindly responded that it was going to be a Christmas Tree Skirt (BIG MISTAKE)! Well, you would have thought I just threw the Bible and Holy Water in this woman's face. She got all angry at me, telling me that not everybody here celebrates Christmas and that I should be mindful of other people's religions. She just berated me for several of the most awkward moments of my life. Needless to say, I got off at the next subway stop even though it wasn't my stop just to avoid her.

Lesson #2 of NYC - Always tell people it's a tree skirt - leave out the Christmas.

Until Next Time...
Broke Knitter

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sicky Sick

Sorry I haven't had a whole lot of time this past week to blog. Work has been CRAZY! But mostly, I have been battling an awful cold! NO FUN!

Anyways, I have found that the only cure for my perpetual headache and sad disposition is a hot cup of tea and working on my Christmas Tree Skirt. I have found that nothing brings you out of the blues than the thoughts of the holidays and warm and happy times.

I cannot wait for Thanksgiving to get here. As soon as Black Friday hits I get to put up the Christmas tree, start pumping the tunes (Oh, like father like daughter) and I can get ready to blow everybody away with the Holiday Spirit.

Until Next Time..
Broke and Sniffly Knitter

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My grandmother passed away last November. After losing a very long battle with cancer, I was happy to know she was no longer in pain. However, I find myself thinking of her every time I pick up a pair of knitting needles.

My grandmother was an amazing knitter. Not only that, she was an amazing teacher. My mother was lucky enough to pick up many of these great traits - something I hope that someone will say about me someday.

Anyways, lately every time I pick up a pair of knitting needles I find myself calmed and relieved. I feel supported. While she may be gone, I know that she is still with me.

In her honor, I am today wearing my Green Irish Jacket along with knitted wool scarf and wool socks. My grandmother would have celebrated another birthday this week had she been alive. She may not be able to be here with my physically, but Gram would be happy to know I have shared a bit of her with the Big City...

Until Next Time...
Broke Knitter

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Partridge in A Fake Tree

It's almost the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! Somebody here loves playing the Christmas Elf, and I personally am so filled with the Christmas spirit already I can feel it all the way down to my jingle bells!

When the holiday time comes, so too does my holiday craziness. I can never stop shopping, spending, or decorating. My favorite time of the year comes but once, and I must take advantage of it.

To celebrate this year, I have decided to add a nice addition to my boyfriend and my holiday tradition - a Christmas Tree Skirt. Last year was our first Christmas living together, and I must say, going from an 18-20 foot beautiful real Christmas tree in my parent's cathedral ceiling living room to a 5 foot fake tree in your basement apartment can be a bit sad. This year, however, I am destined to spruce up the tree with a beautiful handmade Christmas tree skirt. To learn more, visit my Ravelry page
to see the status updates. I can promise it will be an exciting adventure!

Until Next Time,
A Starting Ho Ho Ho
Broke Knitter

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vogue Knitting Live

So, I have the best Mama in the world! I just signed up for the January "Vogue Knitting Live" event. Who is excited?! I AM!

I am so excited to learn from some of these amazing master knitters! It's my first ever knitting conference. Just a Mom and Me Weekend!

Any advice for someone who is about to be overwhelmed by their first conference?