Thursday, July 26, 2012

Awful Child

OMG! How could I forget about today's important reason for posting!


While I know everyone spends their mother's birthday's sending cute messages, flowers, or cards, I thought I would put up a little tribute to her here. My mother is the strongest, funniest, most inspiring woman I have ever met. When my grandmother was sick and ailing, my mother was her caretaker. When I was tired or hurt as a child (and sometimes still as an adult), my mother hugs me and makes everything feel better. Whenever something goes wrong at the house, my mother fixes it! It seems there is nothing she cannot accomplish!

I am so proud to be your daughter. I am so thankful you cherished your mother's passion for knitting and passed it along to me. It has been a wonderful way to bond with you and I treasure all the time we get to spend together - knitting or otherwise!

Thank you so much for always taking wonderful care of me, my siblings, and especially, my father. You are an amazing woman and I wish you the most wonderful birthday celebration.

I love you! Happy Birthday!

Broke Knitter

The Knitter Who Is Not A Committer

I have been very remiss in blogging as of late. With all of this wedding craziness (not only my own, but participating in several weddings this summer as well) Randy and I have not spent a weekend at our own apartment in almost 6 weeks!

With that being said, my knitting has taken a very back seat. I was looking through old blog posts today when my soon-to-be father-in-law asked for the blog website. I realized there are so many projects I wanted to complete for last Christmas that I still barely started. But, in all this wedding nonsense I think it is fair to say I cannot do it all!

Does anybody else ever feel as though their knitting becomes a chore they are so busy with life? I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I need a new job!

Until Next Time (and hopefully that will be in the next few days!),
Broke Knitter