Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is It Just Yarn Ladies?

It's over. Go home! It's over!

Anybody else in the post-Vogue Knitting Live blues state? I can tell you that I certainly am! It is always such a bummer when the conference ends and the high wears off. Another year until the next one? I cannot wait!

Today I wanted to talk about the add-ons for the weekend but I have to spend some time talking about a lecture I attended that really opened my eyes this past weekend. I have to admit, I skipped many of the lectures to spend time with family in the marketplace. However, I could not skip John Brinegar's lecture "It's Just Yarn Ladies." But after the class I left thinking, is it just yarn? Isn't it so much more than just yarn?

I took a class with John last year and he made me laugh so hard. He is such an amazing teacher. I know that I have been guilty of having my shoulders pushed down by John in a class. I need to relax more! This lecture was hilarious! John had knitters go around the room and share embarrassing knitting stories like how you hide your stash.

I loved that John told his horror stories from working in a knitting shop when customers would come in needing help and just being very upset. My mother, Diane and I were in stitches ( my pun here?). I know that a lot of times when I get frustrated with my knitting I get totally irrational.

The best part of the lecture for me was when John asked people to raise their hands if they were 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation knitters. I was amazed at how many were 4th generation knitters. As a 4th generation knitter myself I find that knitting is not only a great hobby but a way of life. A way of learning and connecting with the wonderful women in my family who came before me.

With my wedding coming up in just a few weeks I often find myself thinking about my grandmother who passed away in November of 2009. She was such an inspiration and role model for me growing up. I cannot remember her without a pair of knitting needles in her hand. I think I have mentioned before that we have home videos of me at a year old with two knitting needles and a ball of yarn in my lap and I am just smacking the needles at the yarn because my grandmother was asking me to show her how I knit. Not having her there in person on my wedding day will be very hard, but I know that she will be there in spirit. Spending time knitting when I am stressed with wedding planning reminds me that my wedding is just one day - the knitting, the family, and the memories will last a lifetime. I am so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful family who celebrates such a great tradition to pass down from generation to generation - knitting.

Until Next Time,
Broke Knitter

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